Saturday, January 31, 2009


I just took 4 real (for real) STEPS!!!
I CAN WALK! Just barely, but I did it!

Stay tuned for a video :)

Been Having Too Much Fun!

I apologize for the lack of pictures lately. I don't have any ready to go up right now but I thought I'd update you on what I've been up to.

I am 9, count 'em, 9 months old!
I am HUGE. 21(ish) pounds huge.
I have a whole head of hair and NO bald spot on the back of my head.
I am surprisingly strong and can eat a TON (not literally, not 2000(?) pounds).

And these are just a few of the things I can do (consistently and incessantly):
  • Crawl so so fast! Creatively with one foot and one knee. But 2 feet when on hard floors.
  • Cruise along the couch/ottoman/other various furniture.
  • Let go of the couch/ottoman/other various furniture and stand steadily, all by myself, like it's no big thing, for a heck of a long time until the mere thought of taking a step ruins everything.
  • Climb UP on the couch via finger and toe holds in the cracks of the couch and ottoman.
  • Eat every single teeny-tiny-invisible-to-grown-up-eye piece of anything on the floor (this results in mommy vacuuming more often than ever).
  • Squeak, squak, screech, sing (to my own tune of course) and yell in Braedenese.
  • Scoot strategically-placed chairs, boxes, ottomans out of my way to get to the good stuff.
  • Wiggle up on the bottom shelf of the changing table and proceed to chill.
  • Fingerpaint (mom calls this "eating") with avocados, bananas, and mashed potatoes.
  • Laugh, snort, babble, clap, wave, poke, pinch, and oh-so-much more.

I promise (to nag mom) to get some new pictures ready to go up. I am wildly adorable these days and I really think the blogging world should know.