Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Aunt Marilyn!

A couple weeks ago, we spent the day in La Conner for Aunt Marilyn's 80th birthday. It was a really nice day and it's so beautiful up there!

Here I am hanging out with Grammy. I guess I won't be wearing that shirt anymore. Mom loves it but it's not supposed to be a belly shirt (not matter how many times you pull it down)!

And here I am with Auntie Erin.

There was a lot of other family there too. It's too bad I didn't get pictures with any of them! Thanks to Uncle Mike for the pictures I did get :)

1 comment:

Jan said...

Look at that .......Erin's cheek has something stuck in it.

Braeden, tell your Mom that you love showing off your cute little belly.